2016 Awards Banquet

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”There are a few hotel rooms still available, saved in the ORHA block. ” txt_align=”center” color=”juicy-pink” add_icon=”top” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-phone-square” i_color=”black”]To book contact the Holiday Inn (519-836-0231) directly and let them know you are with the ORHA.[/vc_cta][vc_column_text]

Come and Join Us

as ORHA celebrates another successful show season with the

2016 Year-End Awards Banquet

Held on Saturday January 28, 2017, at the Holiday Inn Banquet Centre at 601 Scottsdale Drive, Guelph, Ontario.

Always a fun evening to celebrate the accomplishments of our fellow Reiners and to enjoy the festivities.

Cocktails at 5pm, Dinner at 6pm Awards will follow the dinner and then live DJ, dancing and a Silent Auction.

 Tickets are $50.00 for Adults and $25.00 for children under 12. 

Silent Auction items are greatly appreciated and important part of the Banquet, so please bring you items for the Silent Auction.

Click here for directions, hotel and more information 

Any questions or to order tickets please contact

Dan or Berenice Fletcher at home 519-443-5700 or email dfletch1320@icloud.com
