2020 Futurity News

The 2020 Futurities are a treat for horse owners and spectators and this year – futurities for all levels have some spectacular prizes and added monies – so if you have an eligible horse you haven’t signed up yet – do it now!

2020 OBBO Futurity Added monies

OPEN L4 -$8,000.00 – Lawson Trophy, trophy saddle with saddle stand

OPEN L2 -$2,000.00 – Lawson Trophy

OPEN L1 –   $500.00 – Morgan Trophy

NON-PRO L4 -$6,000.00 – Lawson Trophy, trophy saddle with saddle stand

NON-PRO L4 -$2,000.00 Lawson Trophy

NON-PRO L4 –    $500.00 – Morgan Trophy

All classes have other awards to give out too!

ORHA 2-year-old Futurity

Added monies $1,000.00

Enrol your horse now – and payment due dates

Call Leona to get your 2 or 3-year-old enrolled now, or to make your payment on 519 802 4822

OBBO Foal Incentive Fund Program

OBBO 3-Year-Old Futurity (2017 Foals) 

Futurity Payments DUE DATE: July 15, 2020. Late fees apply if your payment is after this date.

ORHA 2-Year-Old Reining Prospect class on the Rail

2020 2-year-olds. 50% of entry fees for all ORHA 2-Year-old class are due and payable by July 15th, 2020. The other 50% of your entry is due for ORHA 2-Year-old class at the show along with other show fees. Late fees apply if payment is made after this date.